Thank you for supporting the UCO Broncho Barkers program in our first crowdfunding project! Because of you we were able to raise $1,435 to help support therapy dogs on campus.
There are just 7 days remaining in our campaign to raise money for the UCO Broncho Barkers program. Our goal is $2,500 and we have reached 53% so far. Thank you to those who have supported us along the way. Please help us continue to share this project through your social media networks and friends. Thank you!
Come see Kevin the Greyt and other UCO Stress Paw dogs today, August 15th from 7-9 PM at Plunkett Park. Broncho Rally is a great way to welcome new students to campus and educate them of some services on campus such as counseling, health promotion, volunteer and service learning and the therapy dog programs.
Know which dogs are certified in the UCO Bronchos Barkers program.
Help our Broncho Barkers be comfortable in their office with their own Office Dog Bed.